Chapter Six Motorcycle AA Group
Chapter Six rode into Charleville
27th August 2018
Last night I rode little red into the meeting at Charleville, there is only one member here like a lot of places around Australia. Now that does not mean that there are drinkers here and that it is costing them more than money. There was another member at the meeting from just down the road at Mitchel, 180 Ks from here. I also rode my bike to the same meeting one week ago and met a chap from Tasmania there and a couple from Morven 90 Ks away.
We don’t know how good we have it down south, especially around the Goulbourn Valley. We can go to meetings every day of the week within short distances. The member from Mitchel and the member from Charleville travel to Roma on a Wednesday night around 270Ks one way.
I have travelled this road and let me tell you about it. There is road kill all over it; cattle, horses, roos, pigs and some of them are very big. They are a tough lot, these Queenslanders; they just take it in their stride. The road itself has been done up since the last time I was here and it is not bad.
I went to some meetings over on the coast and I even tried to get in touch with a group that seemed to be listed as one of our meeting, but all I got was the beautiful old message bank on both numbers for this meeting. I did meet a chap who knew about Chapter Six at one meeting on the coast, he told me he had something to do with the mob in Canberra that ride bikes. As you all know my memory is not that good and I will have to have a little note book in my pocket so that I can write notes down about things and names of people I meet along the way.
Well, hope that you are all well down south and that the weather is starting to warm up. Al and I will shortly be heading back to Shepparton but we have not worked out which way we will go.
Gary W