Chapter Six Motorcycle AA Group
Chapter Six AA Motorcycle Group Australia
I’m riding to my third St Helens anniversary , after the all-you- can eat breakfast at Devonport, this time on the Chief. I’m the sheepdog at the rear of Warrigal Dave, mate Jack and lawyer Tom. When I’m thinking at all, it’s about change. Mostly I’m enjoying the ride through Tassie with good people, great scenery and the purr of the bike.
The first journey, 2013, had been with about 14 bikes. No-one at St Helens or Chapter Six knew what to expect. That year I thought about how lucky I was, about how much my life had changed in my first 3 years of sobriety, and my good fortune to find the people and wisdom of Ch 6 to guide me. At St Helens, there was much to be learned, friends were made, and pledges of a return next year were voiced. The group moved their event forward to help us with the weather. Last year 8 bikes made the journey. I found the riding easier with that number, and it meant we could have a solid presence without outnumbering the locals. There were familiar faces and warm welcomes. It was another fantastic experience for all. That ride I thought about the changes within and about me in a year, and it seemed a good reference point again.
After a stop at Perth, we rode on to meet ShivT at Mick n Shirls for morning tea, before arriving at the van park to settle in for this year’s event. Friday night registration opened my eyes to how much people looked forward to catching up with us again. On arrival I was greeted by name by many, and an al anon lady who gave me a big hug, and proceeded to tell me, “I remember what you said at last year’s spiritual concept meeting. It helped. Is ‘member’ here? I really liked to listen to him.” With no idea of what I had said, but that’s ok, I informed her that ‘member’ couldn’t make it this year. Back at the park that night, chat revealed that my conversation had been had several times by the other Ch 6 members.” Is ‘member’ here?”” Sorry, he couldn’t make it.”
I began to realise just how much our presence was valued at the event. I had been thinking how much we get out of such a visit without considering how much the locals were benefitting. The four of us did a lot of sharing, and chairing, during the next 2 days. It was good to see the particular progress of some who were newly sober at our first visit. I could see that some of our members had had a significant impact with these people. This time the second half of the meeting chats showed the deeper friendship and respect of people who had come to know each other. A month later I’m still filtering through everything I learned from the weekend. Heartfelt goodbyes were exchanged between friends after the spiritual concept meeting, and we headed back to the boat knowing that the journey had been a marvellous experience, and worth the effort of getting there.
Chatting to another Ch6 member it became obvious to me that I had only been thinking about what I would gain from this experience. What I had missed was recognition of the importance of what we were giving to the weekend, what others were gaining by the presence of Ch6 at St Helens. The conversation unfolded as they do, and the four of us considered the future of the trip. We were committed to return, but 4 bikes were not enough. Ideas began fermenting amid an appreciation of the importance taking Ch6 to others can have, even if we aren’t always aware of what it means to AA groups when the bikes rock up. Personally, I think some take for granted the incredible sobriety and wisdom within Ch 6, that example that has guided my recovery, and becomes obvious to others meeting us for the first time.
These were some of our thoughts on future trips. Basically, let’s do a Ch6 tour of Tassie. We have a committed organising group of 4 members and we would organise an itinerary through a Tassie rep.. We will be in a position to give tour information well in advance so members can plan, and get good deals on bookings for the boat. $500 for a weekend is a bit steep, but an extra $200 or so could extend the trip to a 7-10 day tour, since other groups in Tassie have asked to be included and are offering help with accommodation and maybe catering. If we did a tour before the St Helens weekend people could join us when possible, and we could all be present for the anniversary. Those of us with relatives and friends in Tassie could drop out, visit, and re-join the tour again. Importantly, Tassie riders could join us at any stage, and this may be a catalyst to the formation of Ch6 Tasmania. For me the basic question is, can we get 6 more members to commit for 2016?
Ken, member 59.
Chapter Six AA Motorcycle Group Australia
Hi Chapter 6er’s,
Shiv T here and what a great wrap up of the 2015’ run in Tazzie by Ken. I have to agree with all Ken has written about this year’s run, especially the fact that so many locals were anticipating and eagerly waiting for the Chapter Six Motorcycle Group to arrive and build on the valued friendships the last two years have resulted in. For myself, the evident appreciation from the locals of our presence is the overwhelming reason for me to commit to the next year’s trip. Thanks Ken for taking the time in putting up a suggested plan as to how better tackle the trip next year. The aim is clearly to make the trip worthwhile for Chapter Six Members so more members can viably attend the ride & visit our Tazzie friends who so genuinely seek our fellowship. I can see a Chapter Six Tasmania Group forming if we continue to support our friends there. Here’s to the 2016 ride & many more! Be There, You won’t grow another head, Promise!
Shiv T No13
Ken : 0437450945