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Meeting for the Anniversary Ride

Just an excuse to get back into Gary's shed. But with the important bizness of the upcoming 10 year anniversary ride over the mountains, we decided to form a committee.

Yeah committee!

Not normally something alkies go for as we are notorious for avoiding service. But a committee?

I was certain no one would turn up but with everything being left to Ronny, a few people took up the call. You see, we can't leave everything up to Ronny!

Well it turned out more than a few took up the call. Some even turned up on new motorbikes so unexpectedly, Gary's driveway and back yard were filled up again like olden days (see archives).

And a quick meeting is a good meeting, aye Gary? Especially when it is in your shed and we run out of chairs.

So the bizness got done, coordinators were nominated, Paul put his hand up to be the Boss Hoss and took the pressure off a lot of us who just really like to ride and do no organisin'.

Nothing! Thats what we do best!

But, if you do feel like doing something, give Paul from Bendigo an email and offer your services, there is a bit to be done before we hit Omeo.

Yeah next service meeting is in July so if you can make it, head to Shep for a top day out. Always sunny and always a ride home with the wind at ya back.

Keep the shiny side up!

Peter H Webmaster

Wangaratta Meeting 

Ride to Wangaratta Chapter Six AA Motorcycle Group.




Rode around to Tom’s place and we set of for Mooroopna and met up with Army Ron , a quick coffee and we headed down the Highway to  Wang, the weather was excellent and we made good time , arriving at Glenrowan Macca’s at 11.35. where we met up with quite a few people.


After downing a satisfying meal it was back onto the bikes that were humming along the roadway superbly, we arrived at the meeting hall shortly afterward and were welcomed at the door by Posty Gary who was wearing his usual big grin, straight away we knew we were in the right place for us, and the ride over was all worth while.


We had an excellent AA meeting with every-one sharing on their growth and recovery in the fellowship, and how grateful we were to be a part of the Special Interest Group the Chapter Six AA Motorcycle group.


We took the Warby Ranges road through to Devenish on the way home , it’s a beautiful ride that way and we enjoyed it immensely, we wound our way through the Dookie Hills and pulled up at the Dookie Antique and Old wares shop for a coffee, browsing through all the old memorabilia they had for sale.


On the bikes and flat out for home ending another great ride with members of Chapter Six.


Until the next time,  c u wen I’m lookin at ya  Ron E   


Service Meeting OCT 2015

The October 2015 Service Meeting was held on a beautiful Saturday in sunny Shepparton. Some reckon it may be the last one in the old church as apparently its being torn down. 


A lot of riders from all over Victoria turned up and there was plenty to discuss for members.


I look forward to reading the minutes of the meeting. Members can expect to receive them in their emails from Peter H in Bendigo. Thanks Peter.


The Webmaster had put together a short ride after the meeting for those staying in the area or heading back to Bendigo.


We discovered the cafe in Rushworth shuts at 4pm. Maybe next year we can arrive a little earlier.


Most of us settled for an icecream and a chat with Ronny, Ken and Gaetan who just came back from Perth.


Good to see them and the ride was too short on all accounts.


Did I mention Penny's bike had a flat battery? I thanked the big fella upstairs she rides a 250 Suzuki when I had to jump start it down the main street of Rushworth.


Thank Goodness it isn't one of those Star Ships that seem to be creeping into the Chapter Six Motorcycle Group!!


I followed Penny, Ken and Peter H down towards Bendigo for the end of our ride. Turning off to Heathcote it hit home that I am the only Chapter Six rider from Melbourne on this run.


I've put the challenge out to Ronny to come down to stay with me at Whittlesea for a week and go on a Meeting tour of Melbourne on his bike.

He loves riding down there!


Look out for a story from the West from Ken from Catlemaine in the near future.

Catch the info for Tasmania 2016 in your group emails.


Peter H (Lorne)









Tassie 2016 Bulletin

Hi Chapter 6 members. Important news from Ken #59

Tassie 2016 Bulletin: What’s happening?

This is an early notice for those thinking about joining the 2016 Tassie tour. Our latest news is that the St Helen’s Anniversary may not be happening, so DON’T make any plans or bookings based on that event. So what does that mean?  My thinking is: not much. The St Helen’s anniversary weekend was a catalyst for a Ch 6 visit to Tassie in the first place, but we had already set up the process to explore the idea of a Ch 6 tour of Tassie in 2016, with the primary focus of visiting other Tassie groups, and a secondary focus of working towards the successful establishment of a Ch 6 group in Tassie.

We have a member in Tassie who is co-ordinating the Tassie end of things. We are due to get the results of her work when I return from Perth, first week of October. Then we will be able to put an itinerary and dates to members of Ch 6. That will take about a week, so expect finalised details by 19th of October.

If we don’t go to St Helen’s, then we are not tied to any specific date, so we can be flexible, with the weather a consideration. The way I see it we will be able to attend meetings, do some touring for ourselves, being free to do AA stuff and our own, etc. The point is to be flexible so that people can do the whole tour or parts according to individual circumstances, Ch 6 members and Taswegians alike.


I would like interested members to think about when and where in Tassie suits them, if it’s an issue, and then to contact me to express interest and any requests by October 10th. This will help us to include your input in final planning.


May your ride smile on you 

Ken 59

0437 450 945


Under The Milky Way Tonight - The Church
00:00 / 00:00
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